
Kokamba: Simplifying Business Management and Accounting for African Enterprises

Kokamba is an innovative ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution crafted to meet the unique needs of African businesses. Tailored specifically to align with local standards, particularly the SYSCOHADA and IFRS frameworks, Kokamba revolutionizes business management and accounting practices while championing environmental sustainability.

Tailored for African Enterprises:

Designed with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by entrepreneurs, small, and mid-sized companies in Africa, Kokamba offers an intuitive and cost-effective solution. It streamlines diverse business activities, eliminates paperwork, and facilitates smoother operations, ensuring compliance with local standards and international accounting practices.

SYSCOHADA Compliance:

Kokamba serves as an effective tool to navigate within the SYSCOHADA framework. It simplifies and automates accounting processes, ensuring accurate financial reporting while adhering to the regulatory requirements specific to the region.

Paperless Operations for Environmental Conservation:

By digitizing business processes, Kokamba champions eco-friendly practices. The platform’s paperless approach not only minimizes environmental impact but also enhances operational efficiency, reducing the time and effort spent on traditional paperwork.

Comprehensive Business Management:
From accounting to staffing, contract management, and beyond, Kokamba offers a comprehensive suite of functionalities. It facilitates streamlined operations across various business aspects, providing an integrated platform for efficient resource planning and management.

Affordable and Accessible:
Kokamba aims to bridge the gap by offering an affordable ERP solution tailored to the needs of smaller enterprises. Its accessibility ensures that even growing businesses can leverage advanced tools for business management without the burden of exorbitant costs.

Empowering Entrepreneurs:
By simplifying complex business processes, Kokamba empowers entrepreneurs to focus more on business growth and strategy. It minimizes the administrative burden, allowing entrepreneurs to channel their energies into expanding their enterprises.

Streamlined and Adaptable:
Kokamba is designed to evolve with your business. Its adaptability allows for seamless integration into your existing workflows while offering scalability to accommodate the growth trajectory of your enterprise.

IFRS Integration:
Not only does Kokamba adhere to local standards like SYSCOHADA, but it also ensures alignment with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This dual compliance ensures a broader scope for financial reporting and operations.

In a landscape where efficient business management and compliance with regulatory frameworks are crucial, Kokamba stands as an ally for African enterprises. It streamlines operations, fosters compliance, and promotes sustainable practices, ultimately fostering growth and success for businesses in the region.


In a landscape where efficient business management and compliance with regulatory frameworks are crucial, Kokamba stands as an ally for African enterprises. It streamlines operations, fosters compliance, and promotes sustainable practices, ultimately fostering growth and success for businesses in the region.